Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Corporate Responsibility

Corporate responsibility dealings describe corporate initiatives that range from philanthropy, to legal compliance to social and environmental programs. Corporate responsibility also deals with adhering and administrating codes of conduct and transparency of information. Further, corporate responsibility stresses embracing critiques of company dealings in order to improve the creditability of News Corp seen by the general public and its stakeholders.

News Corporation in particular makes a very strong effort to promote the company's sustainable practices. On its Web site, a whole alternative web page is dedicated toward their global energy initiatives.  This includes a code of conduct which stresses the application of the "long term-vision" that News Corp has for their green practices including: 
  • Growing our business without growing our carbon footprint.
  • Powering our operations with clean electricity.
  • Minimizing solid waste to landfill from our production operations.
  • Engage our readers, viewers and customers on sustainability issues through partnerships and content of the highest caliber. 
Being careful not to "green wash" and just state these efforts, News Corp has vivid examples and pictures of these dealings on their blog, such as the picture below showing employees using recycling methods at work. 

News Corps Web page also helps to show viewers that the company not only talks the talk, but walks the walk. For example with the press release stating the introduction of the first ever iPad news publication to diminish news paper intake. Additionally, News Corp owned Fox TV show, 24,announced it was the first TV show to go carbon neutral. Production offices installed light motion monitors in bathrooms and offices in addition to cutting 940 metric tons of carbon dioxide from renewable energy sources. In order to add more credibility to these efforts, the carbon citations passed the standards of the World Resource Institute's Greenhouse Gas Protocol. This certification and verification by an independent third party shows that News Corp's efforts are being monitored to insure that the media conglomerate is doing its job.

 News Corp C.E.O. Rupert Murdoch also has responded to critics of their greening efforts who claim that Fox News provides news coverage that denies a climate change/global warming due to the right-sided nature the Fox company acquires and yet the company is participating in the left-winged practices of preventing global warming. Instead of ignoring the issue, Murdoch responded saying, "the point of this disparity has never been to get into a discussion around the politics of climate change but it's just been about creating and running an efficient company," thus opening discussion up with critics instead of closing them out which another important aspect of corporate responsibility.

Some philanthropic involvement of News Corp includes a $1 million donation to the Republican Governors Association which also stirred some controversy for being such an openly right-sided affair. Yet as a whole, News Corp does an excellent job in making sure that they show they care for all their clients, the environment, and that they are a responsible organization who wants their image in the media by integrating all of these efforts on the transparent Web page. Something that all companies who embrace corporate responsibility should strive to achieve. 

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