Sunday, March 6, 2011

Media Relations Activites

Handling media relations activities is quite the task. You write an amazing press release, send it out to your media contact list, and upload it on your Web page's newsroom for all to see.  But who actually chooses to use it and where it ends up is beyond a company's control.  Media Corporation follows a similar system as several news releases are located directly on the company's Web site. Categorized by year, with 2011 currently at 13 releases, these clips focus more on financial issues and the latest innovations and companies to join the media conglomerate. Additionally, each release includes contact info at the bottom such as Investor Relations Contact, Reed Nolte, and Media Corp's General Press Contact, Teri Evertt.

News Corp also has a second categorized news release thread entitled, "Business Unit News" which releases information on the latest happenings within the smaller companies News Corp owns. For example how the popular comedic show American Dad, is being renewed for a seventh term. This info was published on prestigious news sites such as The Huffington Post online, and the Hollywood Reporter to tv/movie buff sites such as, Screen Rant, and Spoiler TV.
NEWS FLASH! The popular comedic show American Dad, is being renewed for a seventh term.
Other published articles relating to News Corp outside of the entertainment realm Web sites include The New York Times, which published an article on the company's global carbon neutrality atmosphere, and the $1million donation CEO Rupert Murdoch gave to the Republican Governors Association.

From these veteran newspapers, to the smallest media blog, getting Media Corps name out there is a media relations executive's raison d'être. Thus, all of these placements represent to several News Corp media relations department that hard work really did paid off in the unpredictable world of press. 

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